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November 07, 2006


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Norma Bates

Today's message made me reflect very deep in how God had answered my prayers in what is has been very important times in my life, like sparing my sister's life after a long battle with cancer, the time when Jim and I couldn't find a job and we were at the end of our savings and I was so afraid to lose our home, God answered those prayers. What I am trying to say is that I do not know how I would have felt then if our prayers were not answered.

In your message today I understood that God will not answer prayers if does not fit in his overall plan, is that it?


That's a big part of it. Also that God is at work in our lives and the lives of those around us. So, when prayer is answered with a "no" or "wait," we need to trust God and recognize that so much more in going on than our concern. In the end, though, God will make all things right again. The world we have is a mess and we have made it, we have contributed to the mess. But he will make all things right and it all began with his personal sacrifice. Answered and unanswered prayer will always be a mystery but we can trust God no matter what happens because he has demonstrated his love for us on the cross, that he is trustworthy.

God has answered prayer for you in amazing ways, but the day is coming when he will not give you the answer you want or asked for. I am confident, knowing you, that you will continue to trust him then as well.

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  • I'm the lead pastor of Five Oaks Church in Woodbury, MN where we seek to help people CONNECT with others and God, DEEPEN their relationship with Christ and IMPACT the world for Christ.

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