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May 09, 2007


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John Servatius

Henry, I have no preference for how you do an invitation for someone to give their life to Christ. I do think it is cool to do it a number of different ways. I like variety in most things. But, what I like the most is that you consistently and regularly communicate the gospel so people have a chance to respond to it in any form.

Troy Miller

As one coming from somewhat of a "charismaniac" background, I can totally relate to Loi-- uh, the unamed member's sentiments. I can't tell you how long these things would go on sometimes, and how many times they would threaten to only wait another minute... only to repeat the threat two minutes later.

Worse (imho), however, was when the pastor would bait and switch them - he'd get them to raise their hands with all heads bowed, then make them come up in front when the prayer was done. Definitely made anyone who had seen that done before extremely wary of ever raising their hand, or even scratching their nose to visibly.

I do see value in the experiment, though. And in the end, it's all about the people who are coming to Christ and helping them do so.

Betty Juntune

I was at the women's retreat and the speaker was one of those rare people who delivered 'live' words filled with God's plea for your heart. Powerful effect.

I think the same is true of the video last Sunday. It was a gift to hear him share his passion. It's a magnate you can't ignore.

Harold Ennulat

I like the raising hands and coming forward kind of thing. We did this in a church I attended when I was single. It does help in renewing your heart for God. It also makes you more vulnerable with each other when others can come around you to pray for you and with you after an alter call.... The service would close with people coming forward "Doing business with God" as our pastor put it.

It seemed wierd to me only the first couple of times. When you see how it touches peoples lives and how it allows people to connect with each other, you realize just how awesome and significant an experience it is for those that come forward. Often half the attenders would be up in front of the church either praying for their needs or supporting someone else who came forward.

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  • I'm the lead pastor of Five Oaks Church in Woodbury, MN where we seek to help people CONNECT with others and God, DEEPEN their relationship with Christ and IMPACT the world for Christ.

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