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April 15, 2010


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Harold Ennulat

Is there any food you don't like? :-)

I'm Jealeous! You've already gone to see the Twins in their new ball park! That's pretty cool.
Go Twins! \(_)/ \(_)/ \(_)/

After this weeks lesson, I now especially need to go confess my sin and ask for forgiveness!

Margie McGuire

I attended your church for the first time on Sunday, April 18th. I was immediately welcomed at the door. I said I'm new and I was placed with a nice gentlemen who ushered me in with my daughter and grandkids to help us out. He was great and I don't recall his name. He offered us a cup of coffee, brought us to the children's ministry and then to the service. I felt welcomed for the first time in years walking into a church for the first time. The sermon was great - the lead singer (a young man sitting) was awesome. I was blessed. My grandkids were blessed and we will be coming back. I have invited other members of my family as well. Thanks for the loving arms! I did not fill out a guest card - and didn't see it until I was walking out the door!

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  • I'm the lead pastor of Five Oaks Church in Woodbury, MN where we seek to help people CONNECT with others and God, DEEPEN their relationship with Christ and IMPACT the world for Christ.

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