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November 04, 2012


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This is fabulous, thank you so much! I will be passing this along to as many people as I can!

debbie robbins

ok so on the sleeping comment, I wouldn't say it was actually sleeping, maybe more like a quick nod off or day dreaming in a semi conscious sort of way.... in any case it only lasted a few short seconds and i hate to miss anything in the message because God has gifted you in such an amazing way. I will try to take a pre church nap this Saturday..no promises


You could have remained anonymous, but now everybody knows who the Debbie is. And, actually, I find nodding off to do just the trick. You can wait until the sermon every week as long as you keep the nap short.

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  • I'm the lead pastor of Five Oaks Church in Woodbury, MN where we seek to help people CONNECT with others and God, DEEPEN their relationship with Christ and IMPACT the world for Christ.

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